About me
An inspiring author with a vision to captivate all who read. Cozy up under candlelight and enjoy a book.
When I finished writing this book, I said, “If just twenty people I don’t know read my book and fall in love with it, I know I’ve done what I set out to do.” Anything else, is just a bonus.

Drea Scott
The story of
Drea Scott
Writing is a hobby of mine. I started writing this precious book at the beginning of the summer of 2022, and completed it at the end of the Fall. Because of reasons I cannot disclose, I wish to keep my identity secure. At least for now.
I started this journey of becoming a new romance author as a way to escape from reality and indulge in stories I truly believe in. Yes, stories! Since Hunt for the Roses, I have written two more romance novels that will be launched in the near future, and am excited for all my stories to be set free from my mind and fly into yours. I only write what I believe in, and these characters that speak to me, I keep very close to my heart.
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